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Home TMJ Migraine With NTI

TMJ Migraine with NTI™

Migraine with NTI

Treating TMJ with the NTI™ device

When intense clenching is the reason for TMJ problems, symptoms such as morning headaches, stiff necks, sore and sensitive teeth, and an aching jaw can occur. This continued stress is not only painful, but it can even cause damage to joints, teeth, and the muscles surrounding the TMJ. When this is the cause, our doctors can help with the NTI™ device.

How the NTI™ device works

The NTI™ device is an oral appliance made of clear plastic that fits over your front teeth and is worn while sleeping. It makes it impossible for you to clench your teeth, because the device prevents the back teeth from touching. As a result, you can experience relief from the pain in your teeth, jaw, head and shoulders because those muscles that were being so stressed from clenching are now able to relax.

When will I experience relief?

Every patient is different. How fast this occurs depends on the patient. The muscles involved with the clenching may have developed the clenching pattern over a long time, and having them unlearn this pattern can take time. Some experience relief within hours, others a few weeks or a month.

What other benefits can I expect?

If you have had to take medications to help alleviate the pain you experience due to clenching your teeth, you may be able to stop taking them. And because the pain is greatly reduced or now gone, you may find that you are more alert and productive during the day since you are no longer fighting pain.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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